Posavska stranka u organizaciji okruglog stola u Orašju
Dana 25.01.2013. godine u Orašju je održan okrugli stol na…
Posavska stranka je utemeljena 14.04.2010. godine u Orašju kada je Osnivačka skupština usvojila Programsku deklaraciju i druge normativno-pravne akte.
Prema temeljnom aktu stranke Posavska stranka je: regionalna, socijalna, narodna, proeuropska i demokratska stranka
Together we can build a stronger economy, healthier families and a more
Economical can build a stronger economy, healthier families and a more...
President announced plans to end solitary confinement for juvenile offenders...
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change...
Successful campaigns usually require a campaign again manager coordinate campaign’s operations. Apart from a candidate the campaign manger is often a the campaign for aparts.
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Demesne far hearted suppose venture excited see had has. Dependent on so extremely delivered by. Yet no jokes worse her why. Bed one supposing breakfast day
Dana 25.01.2013. godine u Orašju je održan okrugli stol na…
Na poziv Državnog ureda za Hrvate izvan Republike Hrvatske delegacija…
U nedjelju, 02. lipnja 2013. godine u Orašju je održana…
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